Sunday, June 22, 2008

School Expansion Started!

Great news! I received an update about our efforts to help the Maru-Chebot First Cycle Elementary School from Geremew Selassie (pictured) of the Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS). And it is good news - they have started expanding the school to go beyond 4th grade!

After returning from my visit to Ethiopia late last year, I tried a few modest things to raise some money for the Berga wetland community and this inspiring combined education, conservation, health, livelihoods project. When I had my colleagues over for a December office party for example, I suggested a donation rather than a bottle of wine or food. My 8 and 6 year old daughters helped me pick out school supplies for the kids with a focus on basics like pencils, erasers, rulers, scissors, and calculators. We sent three boxes (two of school supplies, one of clothes) and a very good friend carried over $600 we had collected from friends and family.

Geremew and his colleague Zewditu Tessema have been so very kind to bring these supplies to the community as part of EWNHS's partnership with the community. The community decided to use the $600 to purchase materials for to start expanding the school. This step is critical, as it will extend the school beyond 4th grade as the closest school for older children is 5 km away, a distance that often proves prohibitive, especially for the young girls.

Here are the key passages of Geremew's email:
We have already delivered the two boxes and 66 corrugated iron sheets for the new class rooms during a small ceremony held in the school. We will send you the pictures as soon as they are ready. The construction of additional class rooms has started. That picture too will be included.

Thank you Geoff for everything you people down there are doing for the Berga community.

Many thanks,
Geremew G
Such a modest amount of money in the big scheme of things starting to make a difference. Gives me inspiration to re-energize my weight loss effort (which has really been treading water) and try to get the word out on this effort and ones like it. Next post - soliciting ideas for going "viral" with Losing Pounds for Berga.


morninglight mama said...

This is fantastic. You are such an incredible guy, Geoff, and we're very lucky to know you! It's incredible to hear how your efforts are being rewarded there.

Anonymous said...

What a gift you are to these people. They can do so very much with so little and you, my friend, will make a difference that will continue for generations to come. Few can say that about themselves.
You rock!

Unknown said...

Thanks Dawn and Ruth Ann. Yes, I must say, it is great to hear about the school expansion starting. And it has had an energizing effect on the weight loss effort as well. 4 pounds in the last week!