Monday, June 9, 2008

Heller's Guide to Weight Loss Frustration

My calf is killing me. Haven't gone into raising cattle. No, my left leg is proving problematic when it comes to some of my favorite workout options i.e. basketball. Strained it a couple of weeks ago playing "the game too far" and now it makes itself known with twinges on my walks to and from work. It is as pathetic as it sounds.

The small but nagging injury exemplifies what I find to be a catch-22 for overweight people who were formally very athletic and in shape (long, long ago). Many of the sports you enjoy are now sports you enjoyed. I can still play basketball, although with what we will diplomatically call a significant erosion of my skills. But running the 30-35 miles a week that I did at one point not too long ago has become seemingly impossible until I lose enough to take the pressure off my knees. Gotta lose it to expand the repertoire. Running is a key way to lose it. You get the picture.

1 comment:

Scott Mooney said...

If you would like to borrow our clothes hanger, a.k.a elliptical machine, for your basement you are more than welcome to do so. What I love about these is that they are very low to zero impact and high on output. Get to your target heart rate in no time. What I didn't like about it was that it was a very individual experience and as you know, my choice is team sports. And I HATE running. Unless someone or something is chasing you there is no point to running. :)

It is similar to this one, probably an earlier model -
SpaceSaver® Elliptical

Let me know, I'll even help you move it. We could use the room in our bedroom and we would love for it to get some use.