Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Progress....of the Slow Variety

Greetings fellow travelers. I've got a couple of half written posts on how amazing the people are in the Berga wetland community I visited in Ethiopia. It is why I am not a prolific blogger here or at New Security Beat where I blog at work. I want to write too much and make it just right. And that of course takes time.

So I am trying to turn another leaf and be short and sweet (as opposed to quick and dirty) with blog posts.

I've been down as many as seven pounds. This morning it was just five. Still working up the courage to tell you all where I am starting from. Have to save that detail for later (I think they call it a teaser), but suffice it to say, I have lots to lose.

I was in New York City on work travel last week and it is always tough to diet on a trip. And I take a lot of trips. But especially in a city with so many wonderful restaurants. That said, I saw a lot of UN cafeterias and dining rooms although they are not horrible if you make the right choices. If....

And I can report that the Amtrak salad is reasonable but perhaps not delightful. Best option is stocking up at the sushi stand in Penn Station although when your train is delayed for nearly five hours, you end up eating your sushi with your hands standing in front of the big board ready to dash to a gate. Not that I am bitter or anything.

I am still working on making it easy to make a per pound pledge to spur me to lose weight and to raise money for this terrific multi-dimensional education, conservation, health, development project in Ethiopia. I have some prospects for working with a group that can make your donation tax-deductible and making the money transfer more formal. Stay tuned for details.

For now, feel free to email me at geoff DOT dabelko AT gmail DOT com if you would like to make a pledge. I will gather them up and then formalize them with receipt etc once we get a formal system set up.


morninglight mama said...

Geoff, I totally understand the ups and downs... for me old habits are VERY hard to change. You'll get there- you have the fortitude to do this, and this project is big time motivation. I'm rooting for you!

tootsielala55 said...

Oh, who cares, for now, where you are starting. This is about where you will take yourself at the end of this particular journey. You can do it, you will do it and if you ever think you can't do it, there is a sense that there are a few folks who would help get you back on track. And there is a terrific book about dieting and traveling and enjoying it. YOU CAN DO IT!!!